How Could ESG Investing Work?
ESG investing in public markets is flawed. When investing in startups, however, purpose is a valuable differentiator in the pursuit of viability.
The Company is the Product
"Our family considers our bottom line to be the amount of good that the business has accomplished over the year" - Yvon Chouinard, Patagonia
Betting on Purpose
Eventually, we all want to find meaning.
Some of us pursue the search through family. Some through religion. Increasingly, many
What Innovation Means
Iconic businesses make one big bet on a long term market shift. It isn't what they do, or even how the do it. It is when they made their one big bet.
Business Model Innovation
What is a multi-decade trend that I have high conviction will continue whose implication creates/requires a profoundly new way to provide a good or service?
The Long Tail Continues
The Long Tail thesis continues, with a promising new vector of growth in stakeholder balanced companies
Professional Thermostat
As we consider the future of work, an organizational model providing intensity variability could have a significant competitive advantage in the labor market.