Web3 Organizational Leadership Models
We need theory, case studies, best practices and debate on how web3 organizations can be both competitive and inclusive. One model is to look to the inclusive governance model of Quakerism.
On Web3 Governance
Soon after drafting this piece [https://www.roryeakin.com/why-noun-matters/]
proclaiming DAOs as an important new governance tool for stakeholder
Here We Are by Aarti Shahani
Let me say right up front that I am in awe of Here We Are
Carbon DAO
DAOs seem
[https://roryeakin.ghost.io/ghost/#/editor/post/6148ded21396e6003dd05219] to me
a great step forward in creating true stakeholder
Innovation in Stakeholder Governance Models - Nouns DAO
I've been thinking for a long time about governance systems and the modern
corporation (see here [https://www.
Our Fair Share by Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson has written a timely and important book in Our Fair Share.
Defining Value to Audience
At the start of every episode of Patrick O'Shaughnessy's successful podcast
Invest Like the Best
Are VCs in the railroad business?
"the railroad industry did not decline because the need for passenger and
freight transportation declined. That need actually grew,
On Incentive Alignment and Sleeping Well
Incentive alignment in a business model is an important driver of long term happiness for the team.
Defining Purpose Driven
A purpose driven organization is one that explicitly measures success with a
metric(s) other than shareholder returns. Purpose driven