Thinking in Threes
I like lists. My mind works better when I segment into threes.
What am I doing this days? Health, Family,
Horizontal vs Vertical Learning
An argument for a Creative Studies
The killer app of web3 is governance experimentation
> In the last few days, a web3 community emerged out of nowhere, self-organized,
and built @HyperscaleFund
Creativity Growth Theory
"Good theories are not meant to teach us what to think. Rather they teach us how to think."
Theories of Creativity
if we want to understand creativity in order to influence the amount of creativity produced by any one individual, we need a theory of creativity
A Walk in the Woods
No new post this week, which is a disappointment to me. I have been trying to
keep a regular production
Creativity and Leadership, part II
Creativity and leadership compound
Web3 tools: When NFTs become Corporate Bonds
NFTs will create open global markets for services previously bundled within corporate structures.
Creativity and Leadership
Pent-up human creativity is one of the least well utilized resources available to humanity today.
Web3 Governance - Cryptographic vs Organizational Trustbuilding
the composition of the market today in terms of crypotographically secured trust vs organizationally derived trust is not likely to be the same as it is in five, ten years.